Monday, 19 July 2010
![]() yes.i feel like im sinking underwater.slowly by the minute. suffocating.trying my hardest to grasp for air. shouting at the top of my voice. hoping that a hand would reach out, and grab me from the icy cold. i have almost given up hope. considering to sink.sink deeper into the silent blue,which might hopefully give me some peace. sometimes i really love how the water gives you a sense of silence. a silence that shuts you out from the world. it allows you to be, at a place where you cant hear,all the rubbish that people throw at you. how i wish i can be like percy,finding a common place at the bottom of the waters. thinking about nothing.nothing at all. i have never been in so much stress in my whole life. i just need some medium for me to release my stress,even if its just for a slight moment. its just too much for me.i have to say im someone who can handle stress.n still work well in it. but theres always a limit to a person's capabilities. even a superhero needs a rest once in a while. all i hope for now is relief. relief from these craze,a release from this torment im having. just someone who can tell me,its going to be alright. someone who can say it,well enough for me to believe. mistakened identity jiasylvia i want to find my happy place. |
Saturday, 12 June 2010
![]() "I am inhabited by a cry. Nightly it flaps out Looking, with its hooks, for something to love. I am terrified by this dark thing That sleeps in me; All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity." Sylvia Plath |
Monday, 17 May 2010
![]() WOW.time is ridiculously fast. i cant believe the figure 18 is coming alr..!!!!!in a matter of about less than 48 hrs. how i wish i can stay 17 4ever. i feel so old saying that im 18... ya i noe u will say im weird..watsoever.but tts how i feel. been facing some problems, or rather alot with friendship. n its not as easy as saying im done,means im done. its not one of those unimportant phrases in life that i can just let go of without feeling something. but im just way too tired to think of it now. too much has been going on in my life. im not going to bother abt tt issue anymore. i guess e other party would have to make the effort to salvage it. or just freaking do something to show tt she's not tt ignorant. or else, seriously, i think im done...... as much as i don wanna say this. cos i don like growing old. but ppl been asking me what i want for birthday. thanks for asking guys.. but anything is fine!(:really.its e thought tt counts just DON'T GIVE ME SOFT TOYS! N NO DORAEMONS!!!seriously. i have no space for soft toys, n its gonna collect dust. n I DON WAN ANYMORE DORAEMONS. don get me wrong.i love tt robot cat.its my favourite cartoon of all time. but its not something tt i would wan to receive for birthday anymore. i had enuf of it. so ya... if u really donno what to get me. im really in need of/or i really really want: 1) SHINee items.!(esp tt clock from comic connection) 2) ONTO headphones 3) Earpiece(designed ones) 4) Accessories(bracelets,necklaces,ear studs...ya..practically any accessories) 5) Wallet 6) Sunglasses(im like sunglass fanatic now) 7) NUM black havanias ya..just about there.theres too many things tt i want..i guess most of those things i would have to buy myself.unless some kind hearted soul wishes to help me foot the bill. thanks to those who alr wished me. (which is really fast!) n may all my problems get erased with time. mistakened identity jiasylvia boldness be my friend. |
Saturday, 8 May 2010
![]() imperfection is beauty madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than ridiculously boring. theres so many negative things tt i want to say out loud now. but i feel this aint e right time to burst out my displeasure. its funny how sometimes when u already make it so obvious but individuals still donno u r pissed at them if u r going to ask me out n start coming up w a conversation w another person n exclude me than whats e fucking point of asking me out. if u have so many things to talk about yr sch.yr course.yr ridiculously non-entertaining life. than just go ranting on to who ever might b a willing audience. seriously i don even noe how i put up w all yr nonsense for so long i should have been clever n discover it when e problem surfaced. apparently it took me this long. this is e furthest i want to go. becos theres no point in expanding on. n i can already forsee that u don even noe im talking abt u. i had to explain to ppl when they think u were just faking it. now im starting to doubt whether i should have done so. mistakened identity jiasylvia u dont know me at all. u know nothing.absolute nothing. |
Thursday, 15 April 2010
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() watched 'date night' and 'clash of titans' in 3D. date night was hilarious.!!!(: it turned out so much better.exceeding my expectations. i thought its just another one of those harmless comedies. but it was so many brilliant things added together.(: clash of titans was great too.! but i guess 3D wasnt quite worthwhile it.. ohh well..... but at least the story line still survived. i so wanna dye my hair.. but im fucking broke.. hopefully my bro would sponsor me..n i can get it done this week. just right b4 sch starts!!!!): ya sch starting is just bummer.! its even more non-anticipating with my hatred IT module in this sem. n e driving-me-nuts timetable.!): the world is just so unfair.! i cant believe tt attachments are on weds.!): on my training day!!!!! atrocious! n im changing centre...everyone's changing centre. i miss e kids at MFS!!!): went there 4 like probably e last time 2dae.!!!! took a couple of pictures with them!! but its just 4ever not enough.! hope they don 4get me.....!!!!!! happy belated bdae to sa'adiah!(:hope u like e cakes n happy 6th to the lovely emilee! mistakened identity jiasylvia its terrifying how fast jay chou's tickets were sold.! ):how i wish i had e money to go watch it!!!!!!! n i want a black badly! "dreams do come true if you keep believing in yourself. anything is possible." ya..ya right..! sometimes i really hope i can think so positively. maybe i would be happier in life. but thanks for all the compliments. it really helps a lot. im starting to feel a little better about myself now. hopefully my thoughts get more positive day by day! |
Sunday, 4 April 2010
![]() argh!!!i need to move!!! exercise...swim!!!yes.swimming.something i haven done in 2 weeks or so.. getting on my nerves now. super uncomfortable not exercising. i need to stretch my muscles. they feel super stiff. sometimes i really hate being a girl. having those time of the months. ): like rushing this out now. cos its turning 12 in 10 mins. just really wanna wish SIQIN n JERIAN happy birthday 2 u both! happy 19th siqin!(: hope everything goes well for yr medical sch interview! n jerian. although we haven been talking in A WHILE. but hey...its cool tt both my cousin's bdae falls on e same day. ermm well...yr my "cousin" in a way.tecnically. im not tt old 2 b an aunty when im just 17. n also to those out there whom i noe is turning a yr old 2dae.! i noe theres many of u..!(: april 4th seems like a really popular date! (: smiles all people and enjoy this special day! mistakened identity jiasylvia life moves pretty fast. if you don't stop and look once in a while. you could miss it. |
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
![]() waiting is a trap there will always be reasons to wait the truth is.... there are only two things in life. reasons and excuses. |
i honestly donno wth did i get myself into.. it still feels like i dug a hole and jumped in by myself. without anyone forcing me. why am i taking a vacation module when i could be having a jolly well time holidaying.? ya.i noe.u must be wondering.stupid right? although e lecturer's cool,funny and super chatty(a little too chatty if u ask me) but i just feel so distracted w e laptop right in front of me. n it doesnt help when its all about business theories tt sound totally alien to me. there's so many movies that i wanna watch b4 sch officially starts. actually now it feels like it already started. ok this post is utter random. i just needed to write something while doing my hw.(ya from tt darn course) ps. in case u realised. my blogskin is back 2 e old one. cos e suju one is just too plain. n i donno how e hell to edit e archives n stuffs. hopefully i can find a nicer one b4 sem starts. n add on all e things needed with e help of kind hearted souls!(: mistakened identity jiasylvia believe that everything happens for a reason people change so that you can learn to let go things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself sometimes good things fall apart so that good things can fall together |
Friday, 26 March 2010
![]() ![]() i was going on halfway on a super negative post. then some1 popped a good news to me.. tt totally changed e situation. until...i went to take a look at my timetable for e new sem!!!! WTF.!major crisis i honestly feel like killing myself right now. mon ends at 1....1 O'CLOCK! my training starts at 6... which means i have to go home.n come back again. HAHAHA.JUST HOW NICE IS TT!!!!! n guess what? to make tt worse. attachments r on weds now.! which means what again..?go attachment then go training.?! r they trying to torture me.!!!!!! this sem's alr looks hellish. so not anticipating it. n sch kinda starts next week 4 me alr. with e business course.gosh.. why is my life so difficult.! on e verge to burst out in angry tears now.! darn darn darn darn darn not only that. im super broke after buying show's concert tickets. n now e 3d album is out. i have to get it.! e shorts at cotton on sale is screaming out at me too.!!! arghh!!!!why cant i be rich?! mistakened identity jiasylvia....cant stand it!!!!IM IN LOVE WITH 2AM! ok..random..but im so angry tt comics connection is simply daylight robbery.! but....e korean stuffs just looks so nice.!esp all e boy bands.... there r all gonna be on my wishlist for this yrs bdae!!!(: hopefully some kind hearted souls would get them for me!!!! there's so many movies i wanna catch! like lovely bones,clash of titans,when in rome n maybe even wimpy kid.(:(i bought e book actually...i noe its a kids book...but it was too freaking cute!!) remember me was alright..not great.but still ok. it was horrible mostly cos there were no subs. n cassandra was having an even harder time trying 2 catch what they were saying. she decided to give up n take a nap instead. when i realised.she alr missed like 15 mins or so... ROFL.should have just watched lovely bones or something. eyes feels heavy after crying while watching cruel temptation. n it definitely proves tt ive got feelings. so ppl.stop saying im unfeeling again! |