Monday, 17 May 2010
![]() WOW.time is ridiculously fast. i cant believe the figure 18 is coming alr..!!!!!in a matter of about less than 48 hrs. how i wish i can stay 17 4ever. i feel so old saying that im 18... ya i noe u will say im weird..watsoever.but tts how i feel. been facing some problems, or rather alot with friendship. n its not as easy as saying im done,means im done. its not one of those unimportant phrases in life that i can just let go of without feeling something. but im just way too tired to think of it now. too much has been going on in my life. im not going to bother abt tt issue anymore. i guess e other party would have to make the effort to salvage it. or just freaking do something to show tt she's not tt ignorant. or else, seriously, i think im done...... as much as i don wanna say this. cos i don like growing old. but ppl been asking me what i want for birthday. thanks for asking guys.. but anything is fine!(:really.its e thought tt counts just DON'T GIVE ME SOFT TOYS! N NO DORAEMONS!!!seriously. i have no space for soft toys, n its gonna collect dust. n I DON WAN ANYMORE DORAEMONS. don get me wrong.i love tt robot cat.its my favourite cartoon of all time. but its not something tt i would wan to receive for birthday anymore. i had enuf of it. so ya... if u really donno what to get me. im really in need of/or i really really want: 1) SHINee items.!(esp tt clock from comic connection) 2) ONTO headphones 3) Earpiece(designed ones) 4) Accessories(bracelets,necklaces,ear studs...ya..practically any accessories) 5) Wallet 6) Sunglasses(im like sunglass fanatic now) 7) NUM black havanias ya..just about there.theres too many things tt i want..i guess most of those things i would have to buy myself.unless some kind hearted soul wishes to help me foot the bill. thanks to those who alr wished me. (which is really fast!) n may all my problems get erased with time. mistakened identity jiasylvia boldness be my friend. |
Saturday, 8 May 2010
![]() imperfection is beauty madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than ridiculously boring. theres so many negative things tt i want to say out loud now. but i feel this aint e right time to burst out my displeasure. its funny how sometimes when u already make it so obvious but individuals still donno u r pissed at them if u r going to ask me out n start coming up w a conversation w another person n exclude me than whats e fucking point of asking me out. if u have so many things to talk about yr sch.yr course.yr ridiculously non-entertaining life. than just go ranting on to who ever might b a willing audience. seriously i don even noe how i put up w all yr nonsense for so long i should have been clever n discover it when e problem surfaced. apparently it took me this long. this is e furthest i want to go. becos theres no point in expanding on. n i can already forsee that u don even noe im talking abt u. i had to explain to ppl when they think u were just faking it. now im starting to doubt whether i should have done so. mistakened identity jiasylvia u dont know me at all. u know nothing.absolute nothing. |