Wednesday, 31 March 2010
![]() waiting is a trap there will always be reasons to wait the truth is.... there are only two things in life. reasons and excuses. |
i honestly donno wth did i get myself into.. it still feels like i dug a hole and jumped in by myself. without anyone forcing me. why am i taking a vacation module when i could be having a jolly well time holidaying.? ya.i noe.u must be wondering.stupid right? although e lecturer's cool,funny and super chatty(a little too chatty if u ask me) but i just feel so distracted w e laptop right in front of me. n it doesnt help when its all about business theories tt sound totally alien to me. there's so many movies that i wanna watch b4 sch officially starts. actually now it feels like it already started. ok this post is utter random. i just needed to write something while doing my hw.(ya from tt darn course) ps. in case u realised. my blogskin is back 2 e old one. cos e suju one is just too plain. n i donno how e hell to edit e archives n stuffs. hopefully i can find a nicer one b4 sem starts. n add on all e things needed with e help of kind hearted souls!(: mistakened identity jiasylvia believe that everything happens for a reason people change so that you can learn to let go things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself sometimes good things fall apart so that good things can fall together |
Friday, 26 March 2010
![]() ![]() i was going on halfway on a super negative post. then some1 popped a good news to me.. tt totally changed e situation. until...i went to take a look at my timetable for e new sem!!!! WTF.!major crisis i honestly feel like killing myself right now. mon ends at 1....1 O'CLOCK! my training starts at 6... which means i have to go home.n come back again. HAHAHA.JUST HOW NICE IS TT!!!!! n guess what? to make tt worse. attachments r on weds now.! which means what again..?go attachment then go training.?! r they trying to torture me.!!!!!! this sem's alr looks hellish. so not anticipating it. n sch kinda starts next week 4 me alr. with e business course.gosh.. why is my life so difficult.! on e verge to burst out in angry tears now.! darn darn darn darn darn not only that. im super broke after buying show's concert tickets. n now e 3d album is out. i have to get it.! e shorts at cotton on sale is screaming out at me too.!!! arghh!!!!why cant i be rich?! mistakened identity jiasylvia....cant stand it!!!!IM IN LOVE WITH 2AM! ok..random..but im so angry tt comics connection is simply daylight robbery.! but....e korean stuffs just looks so nice.!esp all e boy bands.... there r all gonna be on my wishlist for this yrs bdae!!!(: hopefully some kind hearted souls would get them for me!!!! there's so many movies i wanna catch! like lovely bones,clash of titans,when in rome n maybe even wimpy kid.(:(i bought e book actually...i noe its a kids book...but it was too freaking cute!!) remember me was alright..not great.but still ok. it was horrible mostly cos there were no subs. n cassandra was having an even harder time trying 2 catch what they were saying. she decided to give up n take a nap instead. when i realised.she alr missed like 15 mins or so... ROFL.should have just watched lovely bones or something. eyes feels heavy after crying while watching cruel temptation. n it definitely proves tt ive got feelings. so ppl.stop saying im unfeeling again! |
Friday, 19 March 2010
1st post in march.! just got my results 2dae... i thought i fared quite alright(: at least quite an improvement from last sem!! hope i can get at least 3.7 next sem! JIAYOU! managed to meet up w rach.c,hx,jo n ht ystd to go bottle tree park! but unfortunately e weather was not on our side... it was raining e whole entire day,n we totally wasted our time going all e way to khatib. which calls for plan b! early dinner at breeks followed by bowling n pool at marina square. breeks....e smoked salmon pasta...totally not to my liking. way too salty.not enough flavour. n according 2 e others e fishnchips taste weird. donno what happened 2 their standards since e last time i ate. it was my 1st time playing pool.n i donno what e heck i was doing.. but @ least i gave it a try.(: but i don think i would be going back 2 it soon...unless some pro teach me.. overall its still enjoyable..i guess...looking pass e rain.. from e moment i got home.which was alr 10 plus.going on 11. i started a war w sistic online. n luckily.i managed to get tickets for show luo's concert!!!yea!(: im so elated!!!!!!(:(: thanks to sis who helped me purchase my tickets~! n i got autograph from xiao gui!! he looked really cool in his unique outfit on stage! n he was so friendly eventhough he was tired! warmth was all we could feel! heard tt minho's injured.during filming of dream team. really hope he gets well soon! FIGHTING! mistakened identity jiasylvia i really want things to go back to how it used to be. but its not in my power to change anything. unless u r willing to help me. |