Sunday, 15 February 2009
saw this on some1's blog n decided 2 take it, Your score on this personality test was 53% Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out. |
ok e only time i go chevron house i have 2 b met with such a 'censored' sight.. hahas..everyone must have seen both of them on tv alr.. ya i noe e photographs r not taken tt nicely cos they were walking realli fast..trying 2 do their job 2 promote IKEA sales.. so ya ppl make do with it. oh and we ended up goin 2 seoul gardens @ taka 2 eat.. n it was realli uncomfortable.. there was this huge noisy bunch sitting 2 tables away from us.. n announced their conversation 2 e whole world... annoying...went shopping arnd taka n bought a top @ myphosis.. its realli worth it,,so ppl who haven went there make yr way there right now..!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() im still so elated i got famous pianist chen jie's autograph!!! look @ newspaper'LIFE' section i think a few days ago..they did an interview with her.. her concert was great,,,n she even did an encore. she's so beautiful up close!!! mistakened identity jias... she's my idol! |
| exploding!!!gosh my mind is in a total mess now.. couldnt fight e stress ystd n ended up crying.. i donno wat e hell i freaking want.. n bcos of mi crying i ended up getting into a very very long conversation with my mum..n brother who decided to join in. ok i appreciate their efforts in convincing mi of my situation. i think it did realli help n im feeling better now.. although i donno wat will trigger off in my brain again. so ppl do b aware of mi nowadays cos im rather unstable n a bit of mood swings i hope my current condition will improve 4 e better.. was chatting with raco jus now... felt realli sad tt my clique is splitting up... esp my good long fren ht.. so this few days have been goin out with her...scared tt nxt time wont have e chance le.feel like crying again.. hais...i alr told u guys im rather unstable n emotional nowadays. i think im suffering from a pyschological breakdown. i think its goin 2 b a lonely 3 yrs from now on.. its realli diff 2 find ppl who would laugh @ e same jokes,talk abt e lamest rubbish. n not everyone can tolerate my stupid nonsense sometimes. this yr i made a wish inside mi. something tt is opposite of wat i wished 4 since i was 13... i hope it does come true.. although 4 some girls who gets 2 noe wat i wished will think im crazy.. but ya ttts e way i am.. heard frm regina quite alot of whitleyans r goin overseas,, like lennon,giovanni,shindy..juz 2 name a few.. lucky people./.if i could afford it i would have done so./. its not like im fond of spore. lots of whitleyans r goin nyp..i think it will b easy making frens there 4 those goin there...unlike e rest of us in other polys.. but i think ht will have 2 make do with new frens since both of us have some not-so-good relations with some 'other people'.. ok..totally overly enuf of those poly shit.. i think im juz goin 2 flood my mind with everything rainbowly n nice. hack...n 2 think i had thise bizzare dream abt whitley ystd night.. didnt think i would miss tt place until i could even dream of it 3 nights in a row. tts realli....unbelievable. oh ya b4 i go 4 another round of isketch.. belated happy valentine's day to everyone.. no matter r u attached or a singleton like mi... which i plan 2 b in e 3 yrs in poly.... i don want my brain 2 get jammed with all those annoying stuff anw...still happy lovers day 2 all people./ n enjoy yr shit sleep...watever.juz survive after u read this post..if u think im crazy...i think ur right. i am in e process of being crazy. i don even noe wat im writing.. watever... mums crying in front of e tv with korean soap dramas on play again.. i think i better hand her a box of tissue...b4 she floods e whole room. so ciaos. mistakened identity. jias flare up. |
Friday, 6 February 2009
some pics i took during chinese new year.. aint frances and li en cute??? |
ok i haven been blogging for the longest time on record... didnt have e mood 2...nor happen 2 feel like typing.. im getting bored of blogging to b exact... everyone have been asking mi how i have been n where im goin... ok im goin 2 ngee ann poly..although i didnt get in e course of my 1st choice but im still content with e one i have now..n am looking 4ward to starting poly.. cos e sooner u start e sooner u end poly life .. not tt i despise it...juz tt i think its goin 2 b totally diff from sec sch.. which is somewhere i realli miss. mi n rachel r e only ones e other polys while e others r all goin nyp.. ppl make new frens in new being alone aint realli tt bad though.. but i donno how will i adapt in e new lifestyle tt poly offers..sometimes it makes me scared of how will i be able to blend in with every1 else. i do realli hope tt everything turns out fine and well. but i decided to do another diploma in music so as to b more safeguarded. i think leaving sec sch has been a realli great step in my life.. everyone r goin diff directions some jc,others poly,ite or even goin overseas... 2 b honest i think after april starts i think i will b losing those close frens i had for 4 years..although its not tt i want it..its juz impossible not 2.. hais..enuf of tt poly stuff.. was out with joanne and hx ystd to find some part time job b4 sch opens. n surprisingly so many ppl came..i think aove 100?? didnt noe robinsons job was so popular.. but its juz this part time gig @ expo.. n surprisingly saw lynette.. n i didnt even wanting 2 say hi...n juz acted like i didnt c her.. unfortunately she spotted me,,...blehx.. n i juz exchanged a 'shoo off' kinda hi!! it was funny enuf she didnt notice... n coincidently her fren was oso interviewing 4 e job..n she started asking mi ques.. until i had 2 show on my face "im not interested" then will she get it. its juz kinda weird cos she kept wanting to strike up a conversation. when i on e other hand is trying to get out of it. watever...this might as well b e last time i c u so...chaios 4ever. saw alot of familiar lennon n gang @ marina bowling place.. n j said she saw sammantha...which i think was most likely some1 else instead. after eating @ Hans and catching bride wars came e highlight of e day.. 2 3 of us always manage to spot weird ppl everytime we went out n this time a funny looking guy with a even funnier looking hairstyle.. will upload his pics soon,..waiting 4 hx 2 send them to mi. i think i might not b bloggin 4 decades long. so frens till then..bye mistakened identity jias. im starting another phrase of life. |