Saturday, 28 March 2009
![]() ![]() aha...just some more of e pics we took e last time we went esplanade... e neon light statues made into various diff music instruments were realli cool.. esp of cos e piano..!(: i went panda's house on thurs..2 photocopy my piano scores.. n managed 2 find 2 of them which is considered alr good enuf.. so i my fingers got itchy n went 2 play harry potter on panda's wii again.. it was super fun!(:i la-vuuuuuuuuu harry potter.. like wat cherlynn always say did i say i was goin 2 watch e whole harry potter series again b4 e half blood prince comes out in july,? ok tts exactly wat im goin 2 do.. panda says i'm crazy.i can like actually memorize most parts of all e movies.. went shopping with ht n hx ystd @ ps.. managed 2 buy 2 polo tees from baleno n jeans @ giordano.. overall ht was e one who bought e most stuff.. n until now i still couldnt decide if i wanna buy tt purple polo tee frm NET n tt blue tee from cotton on.. but we all went back with something.. n i bumped into jessie @ cotton on with 2 of her outside frens n chit chatted 4 a while.. then went with hx n ht 2 eat n our old favourite place.just acia. n saw my fren..ermm ya i think i consider him as fren...xing wei there with his frens. n they were making hell of a noise... i didnt even bother going up 2 say ya juz acted like i didnt noe him. then headed 2 e samsung outlet 2 settle ht's memory cards stuff n jessie,dong gua n jolene came 2 meet us,.. so shopped arnd with them @ 2 realli cool shops tt sells figurines..some life sized onces..selling @ thousand over dollars.. n e chulky doll is scary!!! after tt they went 2 eat dinner @ thai express n e other 3 of us went 2 collect my jeans from alteration n shockingly ran into amanda on our way 2 NET.. bumping into so many ppl in one day.. i donno why but everytime when i go out i will c very funny stuff.. like this time we saw 3 sch girls tying up their hair in ponytails so high tt e bended all e way in front n covered their faces.. better don come out @ night n scare small little kids..or else they will scream n cry 4 mommy... some ppl realli have weird fashion sense sometimes.. can't b bothered.. i still have some stuff on my shopping list i haven purchase so gonna go out again on tues..n oso check out iluma @ bugis.. c if there's any opening discounts there!(: chatting with aloy just now.. hahas haven seen him in a long time..! was fun chatting didnt noe timo went back hk.. n bb n gb r not enrollment 2gether anymore.. which is juz realli weird.. hope tt e mess will b recovered.. gb n bb r like siblings right... enrollment without each other will b so weird hope tt everything will b settled soon!(: mistakened identity jias i had a horrible dream last night n thinking of tt person makes my hair stand.... |