Saturday, 28 March 2009
![]() ![]() aha...just some more of e pics we took e last time we went esplanade... e neon light statues made into various diff music instruments were realli cool.. esp of cos e piano..!(: i went panda's house on thurs..2 photocopy my piano scores.. n managed 2 find 2 of them which is considered alr good enuf.. so i my fingers got itchy n went 2 play harry potter on panda's wii again.. it was super fun!(:i la-vuuuuuuuuu harry potter.. like wat cherlynn always say did i say i was goin 2 watch e whole harry potter series again b4 e half blood prince comes out in july,? ok tts exactly wat im goin 2 do.. panda says i'm crazy.i can like actually memorize most parts of all e movies.. went shopping with ht n hx ystd @ ps.. managed 2 buy 2 polo tees from baleno n jeans @ giordano.. overall ht was e one who bought e most stuff.. n until now i still couldnt decide if i wanna buy tt purple polo tee frm NET n tt blue tee from cotton on.. but we all went back with something.. n i bumped into jessie @ cotton on with 2 of her outside frens n chit chatted 4 a while.. then went with hx n ht 2 eat n our old favourite place.just acia. n saw my fren..ermm ya i think i consider him as fren...xing wei there with his frens. n they were making hell of a noise... i didnt even bother going up 2 say ya juz acted like i didnt noe him. then headed 2 e samsung outlet 2 settle ht's memory cards stuff n jessie,dong gua n jolene came 2 meet us,.. so shopped arnd with them @ 2 realli cool shops tt sells figurines..some life sized onces..selling @ thousand over dollars.. n e chulky doll is scary!!! after tt they went 2 eat dinner @ thai express n e other 3 of us went 2 collect my jeans from alteration n shockingly ran into amanda on our way 2 NET.. bumping into so many ppl in one day.. i donno why but everytime when i go out i will c very funny stuff.. like this time we saw 3 sch girls tying up their hair in ponytails so high tt e bended all e way in front n covered their faces.. better don come out @ night n scare small little kids..or else they will scream n cry 4 mommy... some ppl realli have weird fashion sense sometimes.. can't b bothered.. i still have some stuff on my shopping list i haven purchase so gonna go out again on tues..n oso check out iluma @ bugis.. c if there's any opening discounts there!(: chatting with aloy just now.. hahas haven seen him in a long time..! was fun chatting didnt noe timo went back hk.. n bb n gb r not enrollment 2gether anymore.. which is juz realli weird.. hope tt e mess will b recovered.. gb n bb r like siblings right... enrollment without each other will b so weird hope tt everything will b settled soon!(: mistakened identity jias i had a horrible dream last night n thinking of tt person makes my hair stand.... |
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
![]() hi hi im back alr... i went 2 catch departures ystd and it was brillant... but @ various parts i realli felt like crying.. esp since its a movie all abt life and death... i didnt cry of cos..not like my mum who started sneezing on tissue paper... i was surprised so many ppl were interested in this movie.. probably by winning e oscars did help alot... n went 4 swimming again per usual.. n guess who i surprised... n i thought i recognised e wrong person... imagine if tt happened.?its gonna b so embarrassing. goin 2 buy some jeans 2mr..mum's been naggin 4 mi 2 buy long pants.. which im not fond of.. but i;ll juz buy a few juz 2 make her happy.. n stop my ears from suffering. mistakened identity. jias. i miss you..granny. |
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
i have to seriously apologise for what i have written in the previous post regarding ms sandy..and i hope that my words did not influence gb girls to have a negative impression of her,because all those words i wrote previously was hurtful and written @ a point of anger.i have to clarify that there was a serious misunderstanding in the situation at that point and i hope that the two companies can still continue to work together harmoniously and not be affected by the mistake i have made to write those words last but not least,sorry for those words that were so hurtful to you and hope that gb girls can still continue to bond and create even more geninue friendships with each other. sorry for my actions that affected you personally... and thanks for listening to my apology and was willing to 4give me for what i've done mistakened identity jias thanks again... i hope it wasnt too late to apologise... |
Monday, 23 March 2009
still couldnt upload e camp pics.cos i couldnt find my hp wire... its some where in e corner @ home...wait till i bother 2 find then e pics will b up.. finally changed my blogskin...its been like wat??1 yr plus... a it i have 2 wait till viv gets back frm hk 2 help mi change e colour scheme 4 e posts.. having been able 2 do until like tt..with imeem n stuff is alr my limits le..hahas or if any1 whose kind enuf 2 help mi...?pls come 4ward.cos i donno when viv will b back.. just changed my com..a brand new desktop!!yea!my bro paid 4 it thoough(: my siblings say i look like a malay now..seems like my swimming realli did get mi super tanned... juz simply slacked @ home 2dae..was woken up by e postman who came @ 9 am.. hais...i just decided on this blogskin..i noe it isnt e best but nothing 2 fancy..just simple will do.. watched harry potter 1st instalment again ok i admit e 11th a huge harry potter fan.. n my sis came back with a whole series of twilight series,, so i gave it a try n read it..surprisingly it was quite alright..not realli horrible like wat raco n petrina said n guess****a called again 2dae...seriously irritating.. i ddnt pick up e phone @ all..luckily there's caller id then she called e house phone!..darn..but i was clever enuf not 2 pick up..predicting tt it would def b her.. don test my patience,seriously cant u c tt ppl have no interest being yr fren..? donno r u juz darn retarded or wat...! its frustrating when u alr show yr displeasure..n tt person is juz stupid enuf not 2 realise.... 2 believe i was kind enuf 2 hear her trash talk n missed 30 mins of"ToGetHer" on channel u.. not worth it,i noe its unbelievable i was so kind n nice..but i have 1 or 2 grace days...consider herself lucky.. call another time i think i would not hesitate 2 scream @ her face. going 2 watch departed 2mr with mum non of my frens will appreciate tt kinda movie... so onli mum have e same cool taste as mi...hahas(: will b back in a few days 2 upload some pics...(: mistakened identity jias vanishing acts |
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
my mind is in a whirlwind..!im so confused..i think i have juz lost e ability 2 think.. woke up @ 9.30/..was 2 tired from gb camp ystd./ went 2 gb campsite @ sembawang with vivian n dong gua... n something hilarious happened during e bus ride 2 campsite.. 2 save dg some face this hilarious incident is limited 2 e privacy of 40th coy girls onli...hahas i better not say it here or else when dong gua sees it she will b screaming like hell.anw.she was e main highlight of e whole always. took e chance 2 c those juniors n catch up on some stuff.. 2 b honest e camp was realli quite boring..n joining with e 6th coy was even weirder..there were some limitations,,eventhough some of them were realli cool ppl went bowling with all e other girls n officers @ yishun safra.. n i sux in it..until miss wong came n gave mi a few tips.. now @ least my ball can go till e end n not fall into e drain. n angeline was so poor thing 2 b bullied by cherlynn n dg, luckily i came 2 her ppl don bully her alr kkaes.! sis was feeling a little down after tt..but during e bus ride with dg's dirty jokes n sex talk...realli did provide some entertainment. so don worry...with my counselling u will return 2 yr usual cheerful self!cheer up!(: took some pics with some juniors which i will upload them when i get a chance. gotta go watch my taiwan dramas so chiaos 4 now.. mistakened identity jias wats e darn problem |
Monday, 16 March 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() a very failed attempt made by joanne..cant realli blame her,,e guy was walking way 2 fast..mayb rushing off 2 his next sumo wrestling match... ok this r some of the pics tt were suppose 2 be on my blog ages ago...but onli appearing now bcos of some technical reasons. i donno why but whenever i go out with my clique we r bond 2 c some of e strangest ppl,there was e dancing yam classic,then this guy with e worse sumo hairstyle u can ever get..(he alr looked pathetic n with tt hairstyle im not even sure if he looks human),n theres e nudity @ chevron house.. it was diff getting e pics so ppl juz bear with it.///.. although it doesnt realli show e hairstyle clearly enuf but i think all u intelligent ppl out there should get an idea of it.. mistakened identity jias... when will e time come?? im patiently waiting... |
Thursday, 12 March 2009
![]() im living life slowpaced..... haven been sleeping well..donno why,... been dreaming bizzare dreams revolving arnd ships,korean costumes,..i think i should take a break from those korean dramas 4 awhile... was out almost everyday...went out with ht n hx last fri n took some pcis @ esplanade n those taken by e speed timer were jus hilarious.... will post them up when i get them frm hx..cos my msn is not working 4 donno wat reason,,,. caught "suspect x" @ marina square...i thought tt show was mayb a little slow paced...but hx might think otherwise..judging from how long she fell asleep in e cinema... went to panda's house on mon,...2 print some music scores 4 exam... but in e end only managed 2 find one... hanged out e whole day playing wii..! e harry potter game is like so fun!! im a total avid hatty potter fan..i watched e 1st movie like 10 times..!!(serious.i'm not joking) i was goin on so well then xiao dong gua came...hais...with all her nonsence... it was alr unbelievable tt she went MI now she even joined basketball.. hope she doesnt get knocked out by e ball 2 often.. hahas... she was still e same as sec sch days,, playful,horny n noisy.,.. suddenly make mi miss our gb girls!!(: mayb i shall go out one of these days 2 check out how they r doin....! if they welcome mi back tt is.hahas.. saw like so many ppl on e way 2 esther house.. mel,joseph,agnes.... i was arranging my photo album @ home when i realised tt i have 4gotten alot of my juniors name...better make a trip back or else i cant even rmb gb girl's names.. managed 2 catch slumdog millionaire with my mum ystd..cos none of my frens were interested in it..labelling it jus another hollywood crap.. but it was a realli great show...n my mum was making alot of unnecessary sound effects like"omg!!" no!!!" until i had 2 ask her 2 shut up..cos she was covering over e actual movie.... gotta go fill up my memories in my photo album... mistakened identity jias next wed...mayb?? |
Sunday, 1 March 2009
![]() these few days passed with a wheez... felt kinda lethargic on fri so called along xh n ht 2 hang out @ my house... ht have been wanting 2 come 2 my house since like pri 6....its onli until now tt she get 2 come./.. hanged arnd...chit chatted..watched "how 2 lose a guy in 10 days" walked out 2 e pasa malam outside 2 buy some barang then went 2 eat @ a nearby desert shop...n chit chatted our time away until 7 plus b4 they headed home... i feel realli glad tt i saw him again.... luckily i went swimming on fri... so hanged out chit chatted n trained a few laps b4 parting ways... but unfortunately i couldn't make it swimming 2dae but i have a feeling i will definitely c him again next week..!:) have 2 make a trip 2 esplanade 2mr...hais.. tired... till then chiaos.! mistakened identity jias |