Friday, 28 November 2008
![]() went 2 watch 'wild child' with ting fong 2dae...!!(: ya juz another teen flick..i thought it lasted a little 2 short. although i couldnt find any ways 2 prolong it. but overall it was still a nice movie.. cant wait 2 catch cape no.7!!! mouths have been chatting on this new movie... should turn out 2 b a good one i guess. haven seen ting fong 4 like 1 year plus alr... so was realli glad 2 c her.. luckily i was still able 2 recognize her.. @ one point i was still worrying if we didnt have anything 2 talk abt. but my worries were 4 nothing.. went amk hub n walked arnd n bought a very belated bdae gift 4 panda.. i think she will love it since its one of her own species.!!! hahas. tried finding for bits n pieces @ amk hub which xh claimed there is.. mayb in e end i realli have 2 result in going 77th street. ate pepper lunch n chit chatted.. nice meeting up with old frens.. should take this break 2 catch up with the couple of them... since now i have e time of e world. i still have so many things tt i wan2 do.. i still haven changed my phone. hopefully by 2 weeks time i will b able 2 do so..judgin from my bro's busy schedule. then my s.c trip....!! juz recovered from a sore throat/flu/headache illness tt my 'beloved' sis passed on 2 mi a few days ago.. gtg have some rest now...! chiaos. sometimes i wonder if i made e wrong decision but when i saw yr smiling face.i knew worries were 4 nothing mistakened identity jias |