A bee is attracted to a prettiest flower;
A girl is attracted to a sweetest boy;
I am attracted to the heartless you.

Friday, 14 November 2008

finally found time 4 it..or rather e mood 2 do it...
e holidays r finally here..
but somehow one part of mi juz simply could not let go e fear of getting e results back in early january.
yea yea...its a holiday.,.but in fact its just 5 weeks..
it passes in a blink of an eye...

im sure im goin 2 miss sec sch life..
all e laughter n joy.
not 4getting e tears n frustration.
have been keeping myself quite busy since e last day of exams.
went 2 camp or rather chalet with e gb girls @ changi...!!!
onli went on e 1st day but it was realli quite fun...
had great time hanging out w e seniors esp..
since this might as well b e last time we could take time out 2 hang out 2gether,.
i will miss gb..!
e place i spent much of my 4 years time in..!!
hope e girls can get great results @ e annual drill com next yr.
although this yr combining with guangyang was indeed weird..
but i'm sure u guys can do well..
jus rmb 2 go 4 drill sessions everytime ok!!..regularly.

thought of piercing my ears ystd with xh n joanne.,
oh god..
i almost spelt joanna.....o.o/
but couldnt find e shop we frequent...
n walked arnd aimlessly arnd orchard road..
which is seriously getting reallli borring..
filled with expensive boutiques selling clothes n handbags we can never imagine oursleves purchasing in a million years.,
thought of getting a job during this holidays
but couldnt realli set my mind into wat 2 do..
but if anyone of u got any lobang..pls tell mi...!!!
so i can earn some money n getting those things on my wishlist...mayb;
or get something nice 4 ppl..family n frens.

ystd was mums bdae!!!
happy bdae...!!hope u liked e cake i gave u!!!

realli sorry my post is getting a little boring..
cos tt;s wat holidays r abt..
realli boring..
i have so many bdae presents i need 2 buy...
i seriously donno where 2 start..
or even where i get my money 2 purchase so many things..
so i realli nid a part time job urgently...

going off..nagging in coming...again....

....n good luck alson!!!(:
u r e best!!!

mistakened identity.
it was now that i knew it was all just a dream

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