Monday, 31 March 2008
![]() I'M BACK FROM CAMP!!!! i have 2 better blog or else ppl start coming 2 mi asking why i haven been blogging jus came back from minds camp in sch 4 e pass 2 days on sat n sun so e whole of my weekend is actually totally gone.. i actually spent e whole of last week in sch!!!! juz how brillant is tt!!! but i don regret goin 2 camp...cos i had such an enjoyable time!!! being in a camp with e mentally disabled was realli a very new thing 4 all of us we didnt noe wat 2 expect honestly speaking their conditions were worse then we thought it would b it takes tons of patience on our part. sometimes juz looking @ their conditions i feel like crying. i often thought 2 myself. why did they end up like this?? why must they go through such a tough time?? why must they suffer? some of them r @ old like 50 years old. yet they still behave like a 4 yr old. why must life torture them? however...there is nothing we can do abt tt.. it is alr a fact i'm glad tt i came 4 this camp n experienced 2 days of their life. eventhough there's nothing much we can do...but i'm glad we bought them 2 days of fun n laughter...!!! it was realli so much fun...bringing them.. my group 'durian'! arnd spore.. harbourfront,chinatown,amk hub... there's this guy who kept readin maps in my grup n he was so excited when he finally got 2 go e places he once onli read in e street directory. i didnt sleep throughout e camp..crapping with usha... watching doa on deon's ipod. doing drill with usha,ah booz n krishna.. it was realli fun..i even learnt e ncc cheer.:) n i donno juz how did u survive through e whole night... it past by so quickly...! pravin threw a hairclip @ mi during debrief @ night!!! stoot lo..then now he n deon keep pointing 2 e sky when they c mi!!! blehx!!!:Pbig bullies!!... e guys were putting colgate on e other guys body... n hamizan got on his stomach,deon on his shorts n hamzah on his hand.. donno who else kanaed.. danial treated us 2 milo n alex went 2 help us buy... thanks man!!!:) didnt have a chance 2 say bye 2 those friends!!!T.T i would definitely miss this camp!!!:) <3333 amir anan!! tt lecture seriously didnt work... neither did usha's one... u r juz a selfish asshole... who does not care abt ppl arnd u... ppl who treated u as their great friend. ppl who were truely concerned abt u..who trusted mi n usha u took our trust 4 granted,,,n made used of it...juz 2 achieve yr target... how in e world do u expect us 2 4give u...? when u lied abt something like tt!@? yes we r stubborn..but we r stubborn 4 a good reason/.. u don deserve our 4giveness. n tt's why u wont get any. u want us 2 understand wat u feel. understand wat u r thinking.. but in e 1st place did u ever think of wat we will feel? u clearly didnt!!!! u never think twice of wat u do..abt e consequences. u r...i'm realli sorri 2 say. A SELFISH ASSHOLE! mistakened identity jias |