Monday, 31 March 2008
![]() I'M BACK FROM CAMP!!!! i have 2 better blog or else ppl start coming 2 mi asking why i haven been blogging jus came back from minds camp in sch 4 e pass 2 days on sat n sun so e whole of my weekend is actually totally gone.. i actually spent e whole of last week in sch!!!! juz how brillant is tt!!! but i don regret goin 2 camp...cos i had such an enjoyable time!!! being in a camp with e mentally disabled was realli a very new thing 4 all of us we didnt noe wat 2 expect honestly speaking their conditions were worse then we thought it would b it takes tons of patience on our part. sometimes juz looking @ their conditions i feel like crying. i often thought 2 myself. why did they end up like this?? why must they go through such a tough time?? why must they suffer? some of them r @ old like 50 years old. yet they still behave like a 4 yr old. why must life torture them? however...there is nothing we can do abt tt.. it is alr a fact i'm glad tt i came 4 this camp n experienced 2 days of their life. eventhough there's nothing much we can do...but i'm glad we bought them 2 days of fun n laughter...!!! it was realli so much fun...bringing them.. my group 'durian'! arnd spore.. harbourfront,chinatown,amk hub... there's this guy who kept readin maps in my grup n he was so excited when he finally got 2 go e places he once onli read in e street directory. i didnt sleep throughout e camp..crapping with usha... watching doa on deon's ipod. doing drill with usha,ah booz n krishna.. it was realli fun..i even learnt e ncc cheer.:) n i donno juz how did u survive through e whole night... it past by so quickly...! pravin threw a hairclip @ mi during debrief @ night!!! stoot lo..then now he n deon keep pointing 2 e sky when they c mi!!! blehx!!!:Pbig bullies!!... e guys were putting colgate on e other guys body... n hamizan got on his stomach,deon on his shorts n hamzah on his hand.. donno who else kanaed.. danial treated us 2 milo n alex went 2 help us buy... thanks man!!!:) didnt have a chance 2 say bye 2 those friends!!!T.T i would definitely miss this camp!!!:) <3333 amir anan!! tt lecture seriously didnt work... neither did usha's one... u r juz a selfish asshole... who does not care abt ppl arnd u... ppl who treated u as their great friend. ppl who were truely concerned abt u..who trusted mi n usha u took our trust 4 granted,,,n made used of it...juz 2 achieve yr target... how in e world do u expect us 2 4give u...? when u lied abt something like tt!@? yes we r stubborn..but we r stubborn 4 a good reason/.. u don deserve our 4giveness. n tt's why u wont get any. u want us 2 understand wat u feel. understand wat u r thinking.. but in e 1st place did u ever think of wat we will feel? u clearly didnt!!!! u never think twice of wat u do..abt e consequences. u r...i'm realli sorri 2 say. A SELFISH ASSHOLE! mistakened identity jias |
Friday, 21 March 2008
![]() IM BACK IM BACK!! the last few days in sch has gone by with a brisk... couldnt realli keep track of time nowadays... some things juz keep popping into my head... things tt i never will find an ans 2... things tt juz further complicate mi... have been listening 2 tattoo on my blog 4 so long... now i realli despise e song! ystd was juliana's bdae... all 12 of us bought her a big pink bear!!! don wish 2 list out everyone's name.. i'm a lazybum. still a happy belated bdae 2 u!!! hope u liked tt bear... it must have been a realli diff task carrying it home!!! juz like how angeline suffered... was actually planning on goin seoul gardens 2dae with peeps.. but turn out some ppl cant make it.. everytime we choose a date there's bond 2 b some1 who cant make it.,,. so darn frustrating... my mouth is watering juz by e mention of seoul! thinking abt ee upcoming minds camp.. didnt help with my mood @ all.. i was juz floating my day thru 2dae,,, watching the lake house in e morning n hearing my sis scream whenever jay chou performs an remarkable stunt on e dvd... life is sometimes..or rather realli meaningless. seems like there's no definite purpose.. its depressing realli. how i wish every1 could live their lifes as they wan 2... n there;s no such education system. we choose where we wan 2 go.. n not such a route which is pathed out 4 us.. its like we r e govt geaniue pigs,4 experiment hias tt's juz e way life is.... i so bankrupt now... spending so much money on all march babies. if i have missed yours pls tell mi kaes... :):):):):):):):) better 2 face a danger once then be always in fear mistakened identity jias. i didnt plan for this 2 happen.. |
Thursday, 13 March 2008
![]() I'M BACKK FROM GB CAMPP!!!!!!!:):D although realli strict la...n it was realli a discipline camp instead of those other holiday camps tt we used 2 have in e past...but i realli did enjoy myself!!!! :)*^... ern,,,,mmmm....mayb not thinking abt those mosquitos bites around my legs.. which is e onli nd part of camp....oh yupps plus those mealtimes.. food was like piling....we were forced 2 finish everything not even a grain of rice is 2 b left,.... my group SARAH.. slept in e tent on e 1st night...cos we were jus 2 plain lazy 2 change 2 dorms in e middle of e night..hahas ........finally found ppl like mii!!! but luckily on e 2nd night we did sleep in e dorms.. bonded more with other juniors during e process n found yuan ting who is so like mi... realli can make her my sis!!!!:) actually felt like staying in e camp... although it was tiring.. but now @ least i got 2 noe alot of ppl through e process la. n my group won e overall best skit n performance 4 *campfire* was realli a stove of charcoal fire..cos of tt stoot weather. but i found my star angeline!!!!i love you...yea yea yea yea yea hahas...rofl.. managed 2 squeeze some time 2 do a chap of ten year series with Qi2 franci rachel until we found ourselves not realli awake..! had fire drill @ 3 plus in e morning!!! n i was realli in a daze.n donno wats goin on @ all n juz blindly follow e crowd. had 2 do e commander's job... thru tis whole camp everything oso have 2 report... realli used 2 it now.. i think tts a good thing right/?yups of cos it is had 2 do e chicken dance forfeit with vivian 4 e night games..hahas.. hilarious but fun...chicken dance is e best forfeit 2 ask 4 la.. i assure u had 2 stay back 2 pack those logistics.. n onli a few girls stayed back...which i am totally not happy abt... where did all those discipline in e camp go??? clearly it is gone... i think on sun....i have 2 do something... thanks 2 those who helped out anw..thanks ya... ate lunch with juliana,vivian,angeline,jessie,qi2,yijie at mos.. :)stayed there like hell noes how long...3 hours?? i rmb we stepped in @ 2 plus n left @ 5... with all those gb stories n things 2 share abt *rice* clearly we do nid alot of time.. n no matter how many times those stories were or r goin 2 b repeated, i will still always find it funny juz by looking @ juliana's face,., n same goes 4 her...hahas I LOVE GB!!!! I LOVE CAMP!!!! 40TH COY THE BEST!!! JIAS MISTAKENED IDENTITY |