Wednesday, 24 October 2007
![]() WOOOHOO!!! ok lets seriously count down 2 e holidaes.. juz like abt 2 daes away.48 hours. it juz seems like i have orredy started my holidays early.. hahas..poned sch 4 e last 2 daes..including 2dae (3 days) woke up late..donno wat e hell is happening in sch,. but i guess nothing is.esp one pathetic grp of ppl sleeping and snoring their heads off...blehx:X stupid old hack...miss wang called my house 2dae... my mum picked up e i was way 2 busy sleeping. my mum juz started nagging mi 2 go 2 sch. she doesnt wanna pick up any teacher's phone calls anymore. i think tt's juz her way of saying. yr tt wadeva teacher is getting mi pissed.. hahas...i noe tt.she sure sounded irritated. everyone noes tt wang is e worse teacher u can get. as in..she doesnt even noe how 2 teach, i guess tt's a fact everyone should noe by now. feel completely lazy.don even feel like going out. goin out=spending money spending $$$=less $$$. i juz suddenly happen 2 have a lot of things i wanna buy. its frustrating to noe i don have tt buck. jay chou's concert nxt year in spore started its ticketing sales on mon. and within e 1st hour all e good tixs are orredy sold out. @ 10am..!!!!!tt's so shocking. my sis was going insane in front of tt com which always hanged.. with e huge swam of ppl trying 2 get in. she nearly struggled mi 2 vange her anger, should i say luckily or not. she finally got in e hotline @ 4 plus. since 9 she';s been trying 2 get tixs. however she got tixs.but not those tt she was hoping 4.. hais i guess i have 2 cancel luo zhi xiang concert from my wishlist. cos its impossible.theres no more tixs now...!:( :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( so upset... goin sch 2mr...4 some important sl meeting with e 2nd vp. hais seems like i have 2 wake up early again!... boohoo... doloroso.. mistakened identity jias |