Sunday, 28 October 2007
![]() !!!!darn it.i donno isit prob with my com or tt blogskins website. but i juz can't get e code 4 e blogskin tt i wan... finally got time 2 change le. then suddenly not lazy le. then now come out with such thing. hais.. okays...ystd as every sat routine. piano lesson then tuition. saw this so handsome baby boy... must b mixed.. had e thought of taking a pic. but think tt would probably b rude. hahas. mum got free tixs from colleague to e singapore hits award/ ok i was realli happy when i 1st heard. but had a feeling tt e tixs would b darn lousy,'and guess wat? my sixth sense was so right. i can't even c a single thing can't c e celebrity faces. i was like so pissed can. its like they r juz there and i can't freakin hell c!!!! esp fei lun hai went!!! darn.i hope i didnt go. @ least i wont b so upset and pissed off now!!!!. i was near sleeping 2wards e end 2 admit e truth.its quite boring actually. much more boring esp 4 ppl like mi.... can't even like SEE!!!!! wan 2 high oso cannot high lo. although i noe is free tixs cannot expect much la. but i was truely disappointed and not onli tt e food there is realli robbery man. RIBENA--3 WHOLE DOLLARS! I DONNO LIKE HOW MANY PACKS I CAN BUY IN SCH THEY SELL A CUP OF MINERAL WATER(350ML) @ $1.50!!!!!! JUZ 4 MINERAL WATER.AND ONLI ONE CUP! SAUSAGE BUN FREAKING 6 DOLLARS!!!! 6 U NOE!!!!!!! I CAN LIKE BUY A SET OF SUSHI @ TT PRICE!!!! ITS LIKE SO ROBBERY CAN. ITS ONLI FREAKING SAUSAGE WITH BREAD! AND I HAVE 2 PAY 6 DOLLARS 4 TT! ITS SO TOTALLY RIDICULOUS,. UNBELIEVABLE. sorta regretted goin. and almost couldnt go home. ended @ 11 plus arnd 12. no taxi. no bus. finally managed 2 get a cab onli after we took a bus to elsewhere. near orchard road. :(:(:(:(:(:( mistakened identity. jias feeling realli tired. chiaos |
Friday, 26 October 2007
![]() THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! HERE COMES HOLIDAYS!!! i would definitely miss this school @ tpy .. i donno why but it juz gives mi a feeling of familiarity. make mi think of e past.. make mi rmb some memorable things. although i have not been 2 this school previously b4 whitley shifted here but i juz felt like home.. back in e bishan site.i never felt tt way. i'm finding it weird.but tt's juz how i truely feel. although lots of ppl are eager 2 shift back. all e ccas have orredy started packing their stuff. 2dae went sort out gb room abit. hais..really saying bye bye to this place its been 2 years already its seems like yesterday when i 1st stepped into whitley as a freshman. time flies. unfortunately my wish did not come true. our class did not make it 2gether tp 4e4. 1 person didnt make it and 2 other will b taking another retest to c if they can pass to do on e nxt level. no matter wat.good luck 2 those taking e test. & always keep a positive mindset. jiayous!!!!!! bestie must jiayou oso la.!! don b 2 upset. although u say u r perfectly fine. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jiayous 2 myself as well. theory exam here i come!!! mistakened identity jias |
Thursday, 25 October 2007
![]() okay...this is like e utmost boring day i ever experienced!!!!!. ok lets many ppl in my class came 2dae... mi.rachel choo.francina.abigail.jeevan.kathigesh.jinrong.and i think toni??? ok and tt adds up 2 8 ppl... PATHETIC! other schools r orredy starting on sec 4 syllabus. hais,i would rather they start on sec 4 syllabus now. then we will b more prepared next year o levels. but unfortunately there's nothing 2 do in sch. tt's e reason 4 tt pathetic atttendance. if not 4 sl i would not have went 2 sch. morning meeting with e 2md vp:mr lim with fellow ex co members. tt onli occupied mi till 9 plus. then went arnd giving out sl badges with usher. which we onli managed 2 give 7!!!! almost all e sl did not come. oh ya attention to those whitleyans who think e sch is changing e sch uniform to checkered tacked out shirt... tt's a wrong rumour... wrong info. yes.we are changing uniform. but not to checkered shirt. this is confirmed true fact.. yupps. but luckily e sec 4's don have 2 change!!!!(: i saw e new uniform sample and i don like it one bit!!!! hahas. slack my whole day thru with tam.booz.mok.nixx. in 3e1 classroom. @ least managed 2 survive till e end of e day. but luckily 2mr is last day!!!! BYE BYE EARLY MORNINGS 4 2 MONTHS!!! AND TT SICKENING MISS WANG OLD HACK. i wish all e best tt u will get promoted!!!!!(: hope tt e whole of 3e4 will get promoted to 4e4!!!!! mistakened identity jias |
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
![]() WOOOHOO!!! ok lets seriously count down 2 e holidaes.. juz like abt 2 daes away.48 hours. it juz seems like i have orredy started my holidays early.. hahas..poned sch 4 e last 2 daes..including 2dae (3 days) woke up late..donno wat e hell is happening in sch,. but i guess nothing is.esp one pathetic grp of ppl sleeping and snoring their heads off...blehx:X stupid old hack...miss wang called my house 2dae... my mum picked up e i was way 2 busy sleeping. my mum juz started nagging mi 2 go 2 sch. she doesnt wanna pick up any teacher's phone calls anymore. i think tt's juz her way of saying. yr tt wadeva teacher is getting mi pissed.. hahas...i noe tt.she sure sounded irritated. everyone noes tt wang is e worse teacher u can get. as in..she doesnt even noe how 2 teach, i guess tt's a fact everyone should noe by now. feel completely lazy.don even feel like going out. goin out=spending money spending $$$=less $$$. i juz suddenly happen 2 have a lot of things i wanna buy. its frustrating to noe i don have tt buck. jay chou's concert nxt year in spore started its ticketing sales on mon. and within e 1st hour all e good tixs are orredy sold out. @ 10am..!!!!!tt's so shocking. my sis was going insane in front of tt com which always hanged.. with e huge swam of ppl trying 2 get in. she nearly struggled mi 2 vange her anger, should i say luckily or not. she finally got in e hotline @ 4 plus. since 9 she';s been trying 2 get tixs. however she got tixs.but not those tt she was hoping 4.. hais i guess i have 2 cancel luo zhi xiang concert from my wishlist. cos its impossible.theres no more tixs now...!:( :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( so upset... goin sch 2mr...4 some important sl meeting with e 2nd vp. hais seems like i have 2 wake up early again!... boohoo... doloroso.. mistakened identity jias |
Friday, 19 October 2007
![]() someone come save mi can!!!! totally regretted goin 2 sch waste of time.:( if not 4 student leaders i would not have come 2dae kaes. have 2 go back 2 tt new bishan site.. don feel one bit like goin back.blehx. 2dae was spent watching 'helen the baby fox' movie in e hall. wasnt realli paying attention.but heard its quite emotional. plus some weird chinese opera thing.which i fell asleep. and cheered so highly when it finally ended. drama club performance was barely audible. so didnt bother 2 listen, juz crap my time thru with banana @ e back of e hall. attendance is much more pathetic. plus next week i'm no longer coming 2 sch. it will get even more pathetic.hahas. great, finally like one day 2mr can rest cos of promotion day but freaking hell juz 2 make e few of us suffer. there's gb 2mr. i don get e bloody point why do we always have 2 have gb. its so sickening. sorri 2 say i'm not one of those committed ppl in gb. i juz go 4 wat's nided and necessary. but not some crap rubbish. actually wanted 2 go k box 2mr. but seems like ppl arnd mi don realli like LALALAS thru their afternoon ;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X mistakened identity jias |
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
![]() this picture makes mi hungry 4 lollipop..hahas:) beautiful... now finally school exams load off my head... with a theory exam coming in early nov... hais... pathetic.:( its seems definitely like wasting my time in sch this few daes.... like practically doing nothing but juz finding stuff 2 zhi high.. when our class attendance is honestly quite pathetic actually.. although we didnt manage 2 break our record of 10.... hahas 1st time hearing a class trying 2 break e record of absentees...:) starting 2 think wat should i do in e holidays.. and realise tt i have completely no idea. although i have been looking 4ward 2 this break 4 so long. but when i finally come right in front of it. i donno wat should i do with it.? go out everyday...?i don think so. all those teachers r stressing tt our level's standard is still not there and lots of us is not goin 2 make it 4 o levels nxt year, l1r5 is not tt easy 2 get.. esp when i don get a thing abt science and maths. during e hol is juz catching up on hw and stuff., i think i can juz give up on e hope of getting into SAJC. yes exactly..this hope is getting fader and fader, i think even impossible. 2mr going back 2 old whitley 4 a walk.. wonder how it looks like but every inch of mi DOES NOT FEEL ONE BIT OF GOIN BACK!!!!! my mood might get even worse when we go there 2mr. hope i can control my overwhelming emotions. mistakened identity jias have a belief in's bigger than anyone's disbelief.. |
Thursday, 11 October 2007
![]() OK!!!! EXAMS R LIKE SO FINALLY OVER! final paper art 2dae... ok it suxed..i guess i spend....[blehz stop talking abt this crap]make mi sick onli i should b relaxing and enjoying myself 4 now.. yupps.yea.nothing related 2 exams or studying. went home realli early lo... eeveryoen suddenly turn so guai and go home straight after exams. blehx.ok seems like now i;'m e onli rebellious now. went shopping with mum @ chinatown.. ok seriously there's nothing 2 shop. onli a pathetic few shops. and there can onli pay cash. hais. @ least i managed 2 buy a shirt. finally e shop downstairs opened... bought some small gifts from e stall:):):):) e shop keeper realli very friendly. 2mr still have gb tea party. can i don go... sorri but i have a feeling its gonna b very boring. X)X)X)X) sorri if u find this quite boring cos i find it is 2..nothing 2 write sia. life's boring and meaningless. mistakened identity jias:( |
Monday, 8 October 2007
![]() ok....i'm back in blogging... finding it rather boring 2 blog nowadays though.... found this interesting pic on e net.. didnt noe there's something called bittersweet lane//// or if it does realli exist. anyways...exams period now... still left with chemistry.history and art!!!! yea!!!!!then i'm done with this shit!!!!. 2dae's maths paper was definitely killer... juz 1 hour 4 paper 1... r they juz out 2 kill us or wat.. darn it lo. all i can do now is hope 4 e best ya.. exam period is not even over yet and i'm orredy planning on how 2 spend my holidays. this year was surprisingly very fast everything juz happened in a blink.... juz like suddenly i'm like orredy quite done with my sec 3 life.... its scary seriously.. thinking tt suddenly i seemed so old.... so senior....:""" not exactly amazing trust mi....; blehx...still got all those performance directions 2 rmb... :p:p:p:p finished watching brown sugar macchiato 2dae... onli juz.. come don have more ep then i can watch more ma... miss this show so much. suddenly feel like watching everything from e 1st ep again... crazy aint i... but can't help wanting 2 watch a good show ma...:) brown sugar macchiato here i come...AGAIN!!!!! hahas... mistakened identity jias when u starting liking someone. u thought u were e onli person who could feel it but actually everyone arnd u felt it. because yr love is juz too strong to resist |