Sunday, 1 July 2007
![]() isnt this boy cute??!! boy with e reindeer nose..hahasz nuts abt artz!!29th june 07 its finally over!!! e sl ex co have been planning this important annual event 4 so long... till fri which e dae finally came 4 us 2 execute it... in my opinion i thought e carnival in e morning went realli well although some time was taken up during e arrangements of tables and benches plus e changes in position of stalls and everything howeva we started on time and ended everything within e scheduled time of 12.15 :):);0 e carnival tickets was actually sold out during e process of e carnival much 2 my surprise as we seriously had lotsa tickets left b4 e carnival... i guess tt was e greatest achievement 4 e carnival.. plus e bubble tea and chocolate fondue was a great success although e bubble tea was kinda bland in e beginning & 2 sweet @ e end hahas.....but e huge support from fellow whitleyans was brillant!! "guess the nuts"contest response was quite alright though but had 2 admit those ppl who participated were mostly mi & tam's frens its all thanks 2 us!!!hahas jkjk//is everyone's effort!! hang out @ regina's house with tam.booz.niix till e meeting time b4 e concert even started...all of us were running arnd like mad... settling this issue..making sure tt everything was ok... briefing 4 manpower..blehx blehx it was very hactic..every1 was sweating and tired... every1 was talking on e walkie talkies @ e same time which made it darn difficult 2 hear any1 however bcos of some reasons e concert ended 1 hour late!!!!totally behind schedule... in e end we had 2 cancel 1 item 2 shorten everything...yupps..sorri 2 e person whose item got cancelled...!! overall we overlooked some things which were realli important... although e teachers tried 2 convince us tt we actually did a good job i juz can't convince myself...i think otherwise.. i noe all of us have tried our very best 2 make this event a great success.. but i juz felt guilty tt e teachers r goin 2 treat us i donno wat e others think but tt's juz e way i feel.... i think through this we learnt more & @ e same time obtain more experiences... if we ever have another major event 2 organise i'm sure tt it would definitely b e best of all!!!!! :]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:] mistakened identity jias |