Monday, 30 April 2007
![]() everytime i wanna blogg i have 2 go some1 else's house 2 use com....and 2dae is hwee theng's house!!2dae physics killer sub!! i admitt i totalli suxed in it lo.... and e freaking damien yeo kept asking e few of us 2 take pure chem instead like wadeva...i don give a darn lor.... sorri 2 say but i treat everything u say as trash! until 2dae did i realise tt i have always been preoccupied with everything on my own closed in my own world of fantasy tt would neva become realistic i know e pain still lingers on in your heart after he left your side 2 a better place with god i hope u live on strong with all e support from ppl surrounding u i silently pray 4 u tt life would fall into place slowly pace by pace mistakened identity jias |
Friday, 20 April 2007
long time neva blogg de as u noe my com sux 2 e core....... every1 is realli anxious abt e results 4 sl executive co0mmitee...still left with e last round--teacher's approval... finally waited 4 e day of speech dae which is 2dae la.... still got rehearsal...!!!T_T jessie was singing e bananna in pyjamas song e whole dae can!! plus panda actually create a new song on her own!! we laughed like nobody's business through e whole time... but peeps don worry we r not retards.... we r definitely normal can!! i silently pray 4 u 2 live your dae happily time can wash away all your sorrows 2 finally 4get tt he's orredy gone mistakened identity jias |
Sunday, 15 April 2007
lie on the grass patch look up into e cloudy blue sky u would start thinking its not all tt hopeless life can actually b full of colours if u believe it could b some things juz happened out of a sudden leaving u stranded hopeless... lonely... despaired... but u have 2 learn 2 stand up & get on with your life... no matter how hard it is u will neva b lonely cos' god will always b there 4 you mistakened identity jias |
![]() halos!!ppl finally back again!!but in case u r feeling happie 4 mi tt my com finally not tt!!its still e bad mi all those sickeniing problems... many stuff happened during tis time which i neva blogg... ex co interview...ndp...speech day rehearsals...birthdaes.... everything is fallin behind.... ysterdae..went 4 a&d rehearsal @ payar lebar methodist girls... it was quite ok i guess...but e sun was sure hot...lotsa gals couldn't stand e heat... imagine tis onli being e rehearsal.,..!on e actuall dae its gonna b much worse!! e nxt week is goin 2 b so freaking busy with speech dae rehearsalEVERYDAY!! hahas i'm like so ''happie'' can!~.~ everyone is realli anxious abt e results 4 e ex co interview.... thinkin in our minds who would b in those respective positions.. but anyways hope tt every1 will get in!! & happy 14th birthdae!!hubret!! wish ya happie always!! mistakened identity jias |
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
![]() FINALLY!!and i mean finally i got in this bloggers website...all thanks 2 my ''beloved'' com..e last few daes i have been busy with SLC...which honestly speaking was fun and enjoyable!!:Dthrough this convention i got 2 noe lotsa ppl and most importantly oso learnt valuable leadership skills...try leading a group of 13 ppl & u would noe how tough it group[the slackers]put in lotsa effort on e proposal...but in e middle there were lots of agruments & quarrels...regarding e positions...(i'm not going 2 mention who though) but eventually everything was solved....:) although e camp was supposed 2 end @ 6.15 but had 2 rush home 2 get changed 2 go 4 and important dinner @ hotel royal....went home with muthu earlier....had 2 admit tt it was a TOTAL BORE!!until mi and my sis had 2 take pics arnd 2 keep ourselves occupied @ least!!... then on 2 watch ''THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA''.As e time clashed with e enrolment service @ yck chapel...i had 2 skip enrolment!!so sad..didnt get 2 wear e gloves...T_T howeva,e show was brillant...fantastic...e best of all!!! if u don catch it...its going 2 b such a pity!!~~ JIAS mistakened identity...... |