Monday, 31 August 2009
![]() HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!..oh well...watever.. who cares abt teachers day anw... main thing on my mind is to visit frens n do some catching up..tts all. i went back to whitley..which was a bad decision. bcos once i reached the school gate.. there stood a grumpy,sickening security guard.. stopping us from getting in... BCOS!..i had slippers on..WTFH!.get tt straight! we are EX-STUDENTS n we don have to b attire appropriate!. n e main thing is.i donno why they have to ban these n tt.. its senseless..n useless. in the end..dong gua n jolene had to take shoes frm viv and jolynn in order to get us in... by e bloody time i get into the hall..the concert was alr ending.. oh welll..seems like coming back did start on a wrong note. furthermore,,the amount of ppl tt came back was PATHETIC. i ended up bonding with those whom i alr quite close w. n unfortunately,i 4got a couple of ppl's name.. n there were a bunch of ppl whom i knew.. but didnt go up n say hi to. some didnt recognise me..cos they said i change alot.. which i think i didnt at all.. the whole afternoon passed in a whiz..n everything was over.. so conclusion:not going back next yr. reason:needless to say, unmeaningful n complete waste of time.. mistakened identity jias feeling freaking tired.. training kinda sucked. n so not looking 4ward to training on wed. somebody save me! |
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
![]() 好难过哦!真的忍不住心里的感伤了。 我真的不法相信模范棒棒堂就这样结束了。必竟看了三年,也有了感情,没想到会有这么一天的到来。 原本以为也许以后又会重新播出,但看着弟弟们真情留露的感谢和告别词,我才领悟这一切都是真的。 看着弟弟们哽咽的表情,我不由自主地哭了。 这三年来,他们付出的努力和心血是大家有目共睹。 为了呈现出完美的表演,不眠不休,渐渐的大家都成为了好兄弟。 但我相信是所有弟弟们永远都会记得的这几年来的风风雨雨,点点滴滴,还有他们共患难的时光。 虽然模范棒棒堂已经告一段落了,但还是希望能有一天看到它的归来。 也希望所有的弟弟们能够继续努力,往他们的梦想迈进,永远继续棒棒堂的精神! 敖犬!最喜欢你了!这三年来担任班长压力一定不小,但你说付出的一切大家都很感动。希望你能带领棒棒堂的其他五个男孩一起创出自己的一片天! 威廉!你的阳光般的笑容是大家的推动力哦!跟着我的tempo!(: 小煜!rock风格超级帅的!坚持你的性格继续rock!!! 阿偉!大风车是大家都会怀念的! 王子!没想到那俊俏的外表下还可以KUSO真是不简单啊! 小傑!你的舞步都有渐渐的进步,大家都有看到你的成长! 棒棒堂加油! 超克七加油! 模仿棒棒堂永不退堂。 |