Sunday, 30 December 2007
![]() basically...wanted 2 blog ystd but found myself juz way 2 lazy. if i don find time 2 blog this few days i don think i will ever have time 2 blog when sch reopens... n i will juz watch myself waving goodbye 2 this blog went 4 homecoming march ystd... n it word 2 describe it... PATHETIC attendance was PATHETIC the purpose of this is PATHETIC knowing tt everyone was forced 2 go 4 a certain reason was PATHETIC the progress n process of the whole thing was JUZ DARN PATHETIC my class onli lim.jing xiang.chuan yew.ryan wee.rachel choo.rachel tan.francina.abigail.jeevan came 4 e thing. ermm 11...not 2 bad.. better than tt of n1 i have heard. seriously don even wan 2 mention abt this day further more.. its juz freaking wasting my time. finally had my mp3 all nicely downloaded 2dae @ grands.. feeling all stressed out with calls from everywhere.. i always tell myself tt this camp is goin 2 be a good one.. its goin 2 be realli successful.. but e next moment i find myself doubting wat i juz said.. n start worrying whether this camp is realli goin 2 work out great e way i hope it will b... i seriously hope tt everything turns out ok..especially 4 games part.. its e most important part of this whole camp.. i guess i juz nid some courage 2 start believing in my own words. feeling sick...stupid flu...go away!!!! its time tt i realise. all of these is juz a dream.... mistakened identity jias |
Friday, 28 December 2007
![]() feel all sleepy... feel like sleeping now.. was chatting on e phone 4 one plus hour juz now/.. my hands r feeling all numb now... hahas...holding on e phone 4 2 long.. juz realised tt there is alot of problems 2 look into 4 e camp... alot of situations 2 settle... luckily i have advisors 2 help mi... or else i would b like so stranded... woke up pretty mych early 2dae... 4 fancy drill @ 9am/// e attendance 2dae was actually pretty good... almost full attendance.. n we learnt all e steps... but not until like 6 plus in e evening then we finally finished our one day training. every1 was so bbqed under e sun la.. but @ least i sorta achieved my hopes of getting tanned!!!!.. but not without those red sunburns.... however bcos of some probs with e cd rom. we couldnt have music as accompany... n have 2 count the beats everytime.. n its like always onli e few of us counting.. like am orredy breathless not even halfway thru.. had 2 rush 2 sl meetin in e afternoon... briefed those station master there on their games la... 2dae was reali a very very very tiring day... like on boot camp. training was even more then drill comm i think. but i reali hope tt all those effort tt we put in can impress those sec 1's n convince them 2 join gb lo...!!!!!(:/// there's still a long day ahead of mi 2mr.. homecoming march early in e morning...!!! nothing better 2 do lo.. wat homecoming march???!!?! ............. mistakened identity jias |
Monday, 24 December 2007
![]() A EARLY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!(: MAY E NEW YEAR AHEAD BE WONDERFUL FOR ALL!!! staying over @ my grands house... have been sleeping like arnd 2 plus to 3 everyday.. i think its becoming a habit 4 every holidays. but when sch reopens i wont be able 2 do tt..or else i will surely sleep in class!!! went 2 lunch treat with family 2dae,,, uncle's treat,,..ate thai food... but i think i realli still prefer chinese food..tom yam isnt realli suitable 4 mi... shopped arnd square 2 n velocity.. nothing much actually... didnt managed 2 get any new year clothings/ but luckily mum n aunty did.. got my mp3 2dae... thanks alot mum!!!! u r e best!!!!(:i love u...hahas(: mum was trying 2 get a discman.. she thinks tt's mroe practical.. but seems like nowhere sells discman anymore... have 2 go those "olo" place.. hahas.... blehx..nothing 2 blog abt le.. i wish i can bring back time... jias mistakened identity |
Friday, 21 December 2007
by brian ee (my uncle) copyright.all rights reserved. ok i donno why i can't download a pic in here...i will when i finally don have an error on page....blehx.. woke up @ 5 plus in e morning 2dae... sec 1 registration 2dae. reached sch @ 7 am..didnt even sleep like 6 hours la... couldnt even open my eyes...was walking half awake arnd e house... did registration 4 class 1n2 with usha,, they all look so innocent n nice.. but who noes within like e 1st week they r goin 2 get "polluted" by those orredy "polluted"....~ looked at e cca thingy..n scouts r becoming mixed!!!! darn lo....hope no girls join like wat jolynn predicted..! n one parent actually wanted mi 2 help him fill in all the forms!!! plus the survey!!! like wtfh!!!#*!&@!!~ i don have e time 4 all tt ok!...n e person can onli speak mandarin.. so usha couldnt help mi with it.. when i refused his stupid request..then he gave mi a "WTH!" face... i should b e person pissed lo.. in e end i explained everything 2 e poor son n ask him 2 fill in e form n come back 2 mi if he has any problems.. n this parent actually asked germaine wats e diff btw express n normal!!! blehx...isnt tt like common knowledge?> i have 2 like explain everything like why i cant help him..blehxx.waste my saliva lo luckily all the other parents r more considerate..! n there's this very cute boi..called perry..hahas..very funny lo..!(: finally finished all e registration.explaining everything is like so long lo!!! mi.vinson.jodi plus jolynn stayed in e office in case ppl come in late 4 registration. alot of ppl r transferring into whitley so tt's a good thing!!!(: 4 of us laze arnd e sofa n jump automatically when some students come in... hahas...finally closed case @ 11.30 then sorted out e files n everything... walked home darn tired...was suppose 2 go 2 grand's house 2dae.. but fell asleep..n onli woke up @ 6 plus..2 late le!hahas. tired n sianz... tuition 2mr....:( don tell mi holidays r goin 2 be over soon! NO!!!!NO SCHOOL!!!NO WANG WANG!!NO 'O'LEVELS!!! BOOHOOHOO T.T when will e next gossip girl ep finally come out..!!! searching 4 沈建宏 album 《半成年》,any1 seen it pls tell mi...!!!thnx! holidays r orredy coming 2 an end!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! jias mistakened identity.. |
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
![]() i'm so addicted to gossip girl!!!LOL ^^ i have been feeling so tired nowadays.. sleeping @ onli 3 plus in e morning n waking up @ 7 plus... onli abt 4 hours of sleep!!!... but i managed to keep a clear set of mind...:) ystd was sl meeting early in e morning.. then with tam n ah booz ate @ mos burger @ j8.. while talking abt my rebellious past in pri sch... hahas.... laughing out loud in mos la..i bet alot of ppl must be looking///.. took such a long mrt ride 2 boon lay... actually didnt even feel like goin in e 1st place.. e weather was juz so good 4 taking a nice nap..zzz we laughed our way thru with e new song created by mi.... realli didnt noe i was tt creative... darn it was hilarious.. hahas... this time ppl was realli looking @ us from all 4 directions. but seriously can't stop laughing... "thank you,.."thank you" ppl u noe wat i mean. my "highness" didnt stop even after reaching e chalet... juz climbing up to it was like exercising la.. ntu is such a huge place. i juz kept laughing @ things without a specific reason.. always happens when everyone is arnd... cooked in e kitchen ...n there was so many overwhelming food tt cannot be finished... sang early christmas carols.. but no matter how every1 was singing.. i juz can't get in e mood...was juz stoning there holding e paper n not even mouthing e words... finally when we get 2 go home.. its already like arnd 10 orredy. n e way out is oso like a marathon.. hahas.... yijie n ah booz was like teasing mi tt i cannot get home. but I GOT HOME!!! n quite early actually @ 11.30 but ended up sleeping @ 2 plus. cos e tv programme was juz so nice 2 watch..:) have 2 wake up @ 8 plus 4 drill again 2dae... n e most stupidest thing is tt.. we actually have not enuf ppl. n some ppl were not present. n jolynn was sort of mia. we couldnt even do anything,or even rehearse with empty gaps everywhere in e end we ended up doing nothing.. n modify e fancy drill... hais,...realli hope tt we can make it!!!! its orredy near end of dec!!!!i totally can't believe it!.holidays r ending soon! T.T T.T have 2 go back sch 2mr again...! sl meeting 2mr @ 1 pm... );////sian.... jias... mistakened identity. |
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
just suddenly the holidays seem realli short.. its already mid december!!!! juz like a few weeks more n we r back 2 horrible sch!...darn. went 2 sch 4 2 days straight mon n tues. sian like hell. planned the sec 1 orientation camp games till late midnight... so many things to do... i think msn is reali helping mi with e speed of my typing..hahas considering whether to go to luo zhi xiang's autograph session on fri... if u have ever experienced goin 2 autograph session. u would noe like how darn tiring it is. ........///nothing else 2 blog about... jias mistakened identity i'm so addicted to gossip girl... |
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
![]() back with finally something 2 write abt.. hmm.anyways...ystd was girls' night out with hwee theng/' as usual went 2 so usual hangout place. watched 'enchanted' i found it realli fairytale and cute actually. although e ending was so predictable. ppl sometimes do nid some fairytale in their lifes 2 believe tt theres realli something called happily ever after after e movie juz randomly shop arnd bugis street.. and guess who we saw.? cassandra working in one of those shops.. i was still hesistating and looking hard whether is her anot.. :):) accompany cassandra @ e clothing shop she's working and ate dinner in e shop.. seating on e ground hahas.... realli nice way 2 eat dinner. while ppl coming 2 buy skinny jeans... how i hope i can work 2... earn some cash. as u may noe i'm orrredy pretty bankrupt...T.T reached home @ 9.. e latest in quite awhile work up surprisingly early 2dae.. got 2 noe there's a obs gathering onli @ 11 when they are meeting @ 12.30 @ harbourfront ......fatimah told mi on msn and i was like... blehx.i don think every1 noe abt it.. in e end neither mi nor fatimah went. & neither did e rest. onli naveen,zi ming and amanda.. 3 out of like 16 of us! instead of goin 4 tt gathering was racking my brains out thinking of e games 4 sec 1 orientation with tam and ah booz. juz 4 tt previous sl selection camp i have orredy came out with a list of so many games all by myself. & now another new set of games? we were like near dying. plus feeling realli sleepy with all tt rainy weather. surprsingly we saw wai kiat working @ mac's behind e counter. way 2 far 2 us 2 call his name. seems like this holidays every1 is working. every1 is getting $$ except 4 mi..!!!!:( thru with much effort we came up with a considerable list of games... but its realli depressing 2 noe tt we will b missingh e 1st 2 days of lessons!!!! e whole of 1st 2 days of sch reopening!!! & some more @ sec 4! we can't afford tt! esp when e 1st few days will b e timetables.lessons.important stuff., but however e job comes with great reponsiblity. so we can onli stand up 2 it & try our best! ps. sl meeting on 10th dec is cancelled. however sl ex co is still meeting on 10th dec @ 1pm. chiaos. mistakened identity jias |